“Does the Divine punish us? Why does the Divine always put me in tough situations? Why does the Divine want me to suffer?”
These are questions we ask ourselves especially in times of tribulation when our faith is hanging by a thread.
Read Maitreya Dadashreeji’s message to get a deeper understanding and answer to this.
Maitreya Dadashreeji says,
"Your Divine would never want you to suffer. If the purpose of your life is Divine and the goal is high, you can't expect to operate in this world as per your convenience. The seeker is aiming for the highest, so whatever is blocking the growth would be dissolved. Your emotional turmoil is just a part of that. The seeker has a spiritual privilege of the Inner Divine. His presence in your heart would never let you down. Sometimes, the human mind forgets this advantage due to worldly influences. Once you get access to your Inner Divine, all complications are resolved. Even if you don't get it, He would intervene and help you to encounter these delicate challenging moments and elevate you to a much higher state. Once you overcome these challenges, you will in fact wonder how well you successfully grew and escaped through them.
If you are a true seeker and genuinely love your Divine, your love should never fade and become weak. You have the Supreme Friend in your heart, why should you become weak? During an emotional setback, you should be anchored to the 'will of the Divine'. The only remedy to help you in that moment is to know that your Divine loves you and you need to keep faith in His Grace. There can't be a better moment to experience His Love and Grace for you. All would be taken care of under His shelter, you just need to flow with Him.
Your Divine is watching you."
Let His Grace and Will guide you further!
Keep Faith in your Divine!
Love and Blessings, Dadashreeji!