Question: Dada, here is my question. Several times, when we return home from outside, we feel low or weird. Is there something like negative energy that affects us this way? If yes, how do we protect ourselves from it?
Dada: I wonder who exactly is all set to 'attack' you (laughter). Do you think there is some energy out there to get you? Truth is, when you are intrinsically in fear or have the tendency to be easily scared, there are many who will add to those fears. In fact, I would say even negative energy is fine. It is hardly a threat and can be easily managed. The only thing to be really wary of though, is man (laughter).ย Handling human beings is so hard that even God is struggling in this matter (laughter and loud applause), and wondering "I intended to create something beautiful but look what has become of it" (more laughter). Man, who is supposed to be at the pinnacle of creation, a marvel, has ended up like a defective device. So, Masters have had to descend to the human plane to 'repair' these defective pieces, by knocking on their heads, if necessary.
Just remember that you are more powerful than any negative energy. There is no denying that just as positive energy or positive thoughts exist, so does negativity. In fact, it is from thoughts and intentions that energy rises. Why do we feel calm and peaceful in our Ashram? Because our mind and thoughts are collectively in an elevated state. So, the energy becomes positive. Outside, when people are only engaged in plotting against one another, scheming to acquire more and more wealth, or commit fraud, or are always steeped in anger, vengefulness and fear, the energy becomes polluted and hence, negative. As a result, such spaces disturb you.
Now, consider this. During Holi (a Hindu festival that is celebrated with colors), if we dress in white, even the slightest speck of color (like red) becomes prominent on our clothes. On the other hand, if our attire was colorful to begin with, ย it would take much more than a mere speck of any Holi color to be visible on our clothing. Similarly, when you are walking the spiritual path, you are getting cleansed/purified from within, and hence, become more sensitive to negative energy. You might not know what exactly is happening around or within, but you will definitely be able to feel the negativity more easily. In such cases, all I would ask you to do is "wash your clothes" ie. wash it all off in front of your Divine Light. Speak to your Light and appeal to It to remove any bit of negative energy that you may have carried from elsewhere, and that which is disturbing you presently. Lie down in Shavasan (corpse pose in Yoga), play calming music if that helps, and try to find peace. There is no need for any additional 'laundry' service. Divine Light offers services free of cost in the convenience of your home (laughter).
You have been given a very powerful tool, the Divine Light. Do not underestimate it. Whenever you are disturbed or anxious, do not run hither and tither making phone calls to people or getting further agitated. Just sit with your Light in a room and talk to It. Explain your situation. I promise you - your problems would be solved then and there. It is as simple as that. I repeat - pour out your worries to the Divine Light, receive guidance and act accordingly. Remember that I would never want you to go to bed in worry. If you are unable to fall asleep, appeal to your Divine Light. Your problem will be resolved. Please keep this faith.
In summary, I want to re-iterate that if there is anything powerful in this world, it is you. You need not be afraid of any negative energy, real or imagined. So do not live in fear, instead 'scare' others. (laughter) Just as even a tiny bit of negativity from others affects you, let at least a tiny bit of your positivity affect them to the point where they start feeling uncomfortable. The presence of love and acceptance might feel like a shock to those who are used to dwelling in anger and hatred, and they will get 'scared'. (laughter) May you aim to exist thus, without fear!
Hindi full video

Thank you so much for translation on the question of negative energy. Very helpful and timely information!๐
So beautiful. Thank you Dada ๐