Sevak: My question is this Dadashreeji. Nowadays there are many youngsters who are victims of addiction. Alcohol addiction. Drugs addiction. In fact, the very big addiction of this current time screen addiction. So my question is does this addiction arise out of the sanskāras within us? Does it stem from there? And if yes, can spiritual practices remove these sanskāras? Dadashreeji, I just want to add one more question. The bottom line is; what can an addict do to come out of his addiction?
Dadashreeji: This is a very good question. Now you said drug addiction, you also said screen addiction. This is an industry. This is a proper business which promotes it and is running in the system. It is all over the world. This is not only a problem of the country. It is a problem of the whole human race. Especially the youngsters, the young generation, are stuck. This is a fact; It’s a truth. We've been in denial for a long time. But that quantum, that percentage is increasing with time. What you see on TV, especially I am talking about drug addiction. The youngsters we see in sports. It is seen in education. We also have youth affected in the entertainment fields. But the main truth here is that most of the numbers are involved with drugs somewhere or another & this cannot be generalized. It is prevelant in cities as well as in the rural areas. This is the problem. The first thing that has to be accepted by all of us (the entire human race) is that our young generation is really trapped in this problem. All over the country and also outside the country. When we talk about within the country, we have to correct it. First you have to make a resolution to solve this problem.
We have also made a resolution and there are many such centres, they too have been working on this for years. And while doing this the person who is affected, firstly has to have the feeling that “I have to be free from this”. That's the first step. When that is done then you can follow the second and third steps. All organizations or families have to come together to bring the persons who are stuck; to the first step where he accepts it. “I have this problem and I want to get out of it”. Then we will fix it.
According to me everyone in the country will have to get behind this, will have to work on a priority basis. That all the centres or institutions that will have to be united, everyone has to come together and fix this. People have to be freed, especially the youngsters. And how to fix it is the next step. Firstly, understand that I have to get out of this. Treatment is the second part. In treatment, you do counselling, you talk and explain. That too can help. The second is medical treatment. They can be cured to some extent even with medicines. The third is spiritual practice. There are different meditationalpractices which if you do, you can get out of it and the fourth is spiritual processes(kriya). If you do that then you can come out of this. Or you do all of them together then you can come out of it.
So what should happen is that someone talks to them, does counseling, prescribe the necessary medicines. The third which should be given is meditation. Meditation is different as compared to a process. The process that we talk about is the process that works on the source of that addiction; the root because of which you are addicted and tries to cure it. When you remove the root properly from where the problem arises -the root point, then the very desire to do substance abuse or drugs or intoxication will end automatically for ever. Even if you see the substance, the thoughts might also come but it will not become a habit.
So it is possible since it is connected to our culture, the surrounding environment affects you. Like a good environment affects you positively, similarly a negative environment also affects you. So we have to reach out and guide our children, our youngsters to walk ahead andprogress. Then it can be completely cured or corrected. We can fix it and it is important for its a part of our culture and we definitely try from our side and will continue to do so. So view this as an addiction, specifically drug addiction and not just as screen addiction. It is an addiction; it is a habit. It's a bad habit. That bad habit has to be removed from within. It has to be removed from the very root. If removed, then ourwork is done and it will be fine. Will be fine forever. So whose is the next question?
Sevak: Dada Pranaam. The question that was asked, and what you have told that there are some processes or activities. Are there any from the Maitri Bodh family, that the human race can get benefit from them?
Dada: See when the MaitriBodh Parivaar works, we view the root of the problem right from the beginning. Whatever the cause, whatever is the root cause of your problem, we are constantly try to fix it. As you know that when I started, the beginning was as a medical doctor. Being a part of the process of being a medical doctor, I felt that I have a limitation in healing people. I am only able to heal the body and to some extent the mind but I am not able to go beyond that. My spiritual practice started to understand what lay ahead. So, today when the MaitriBodh Parivaar looks at any kind of situation, when we see a challenge, we try to go to the source of the problem. Where is it starting, let's fix that by goingstraight in.
An example of that is when we do the Beej Sanskaar Kriya (process). The Beej Sanskaar is the process, the process of correcting that seed itself. Where there is some fault in the seed itself, that seed has to be replaced. When that feeling is removed, the feeling to have something as an addiction any substance; the root point of that feeling has to be removed.
It’s like an operation. You know when an operation is conducted in an operation theatre. You see it straight away physically, then you remove it. That is the Beej Kriya which goes to the root cause and removes it. That's how a person becomes free. So when you see this, you will be able to experience it yourself.
Question #2
Dadashreeji: Namaste.
The role that has been given to women in household life is to take care of the home, to take care of the people of the home. Today’s woman is taking care of the home, doing outside work, the children and family. They are doing a lot and despite doing so much, it is becoming difficult to meet expectations. While working for everyone, somewhere the woman is losing herself. She can't do anything for herself. So how can she prioritize herself and how can she meet the expectations of the family?
Dadashreeji: See when you look at it as a woman. In the beginning also you said that you have been given the task of taking care of the home. Who is the one who has given you this job? Who told you that you have to take care of the home or is it because you thought of doing so that's why you are doing it or was it because you saw this happening in your mother or your relative’s house that's why you are doing it?But it has not been written anywhere that you should do this work? Society runs in the way which is convenient for it. So you should do what you think is right. Be it a man or a woman, whatever feels right to you, you must do it. You don't have to wait for anything for this. Start and move forward.
Now the second thing that you said that there is an expectation; how should we fulfill the expectations of your family members you live whom you live with. A simple answer to this is that you cannot fulfill anyone's expectations completely. You cannot give a complete solution to anyone. Expectations will only increase. The more you do, the more you will have to give, and it grows. It’s similar to when you pray to God where one wish is fulfilled then another wishsprings forth. If there is a second, there is a third wish. Similarly, the human mind is the same in your home. The more you give, the person in front of you will keep asking for more. There is no end to this. Be it 50 years old, 60 years old or 70 years old, your family members will keep asking for more from you. There is no full stop here. So what should you do here? You do what you can. As much as you can; give the best from your side, you do it or if it is your duty. Leave what you are not able to do. Don't sit with unnecessary tension. I could not do this could not do that. How long will you keep pulling on and flowing like this?
Somewhere you have to face the truth that this is all I am ableto do. I cannot do more than this. Draw a line there, that's all. And that is your duty. This is your duty, your responsibility. Look at it in this way and when you keep doing this, your way will automatically open up. What do you want to do with your life now? If you have any aspirations, an ambition that I have to do this and also have family duties, then talk to your family members. Keep open communication. Have a dialogue. Tell them I have to do this. So in every situation no matter how complex the situation, a solution emerges from it. There is always a solution. If your ambition is very strong or the inner voice which emanates from the heart if it is strong. It says you have to do this then you have to follow that voice. You have to go with that voice. This is the solution and it can be solved through communication. Can be resolved through dialogue. It can be solved by saying it properly. So you will follow the voice that comes from within. Things will automatically become the way you want them to be. Somewhere it may happen immediately. Somewhere it may take time. But you don't have to force yourself. Do not sit crying. From here you have to keep trying to move forward. This is the solution. From this you will be able to move forward. Okay? Thank you.