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MaitriBodh Parivaar, Americas

Lori Monzyk
All my life I had been sensitive to energies around me. I was able to perceive light and colour around people, as well as other gifts that were baffling to me, and over time I learned to conceal them. As an adult, I was seeking to understand and heal myself. Over time, I knew I was also seeking something higher, maybe my Higher Self, or I did not know what exactly. When I attended Bodh, I felt drawn to attend mainly due to the mention of Mahavatar Babaji, whom I revered and loved. Nothing could have prepared me for the explosion of Love I felt when Maitreya Dadashreeji entered the room. I can share that in this case, everyone in the entire room was encased in the vibrant white light of Maitreya Dadashreeji. Inside me, there was a silence and peace I had not known previously. Following this, my inner voice or intuition became very clear and strong. Over time, I felt an intense desire to take Bodh II and III and was blessed to do so at our beloved ShantiKshetra Premgiri ashram in India. After this, my connection and bond has grown and I cannot adequately express in words how this has impacted my life positively in every area.

Meredith Smythe
“Dadashreeji is an experience like the ocean” - a maitreyi stated in Bodh II. My experience with Maitreya Dadashreeji brought a whirlwind of welcome changes into my life. It started when my father was dying of cancer and I made an adamant prayer from my heart to Mahavatar Babaji to send me a Divine Guide “now.” Immediately the Divine sent someone to help me and introduced me to Dadashreeji. Doing Maitri Sambodh Dhyaan was very intense for me; I felt so much love in my heart, and I started to have visions of Divine beings. The Bodh programs changed my life completely. Maitri ShaktiPravaah, the Divine energy transfer involved in all levels of Bodh, was amazing for me to experience. For example, during Bodh II Maitri ShaktiPravaah I felt like my third eye “exploded” and I could see the blueprint of life ever wider and expanding and there were swirling stars and galaxies and I “heard” in my head and experienced the thought that “Love permeates everything at all times.” Meeting Maitreya Dadasheeji in 2018 was the best experience of my lifetime. He was simple, kind, compassionate, patient, and He is LOVE. It was utter bliss. I cried like I never have before. I could feel how long I had waited, since many lifetimes, for Him. Since then I have done seva working with US MBP team. And service has started to seep into my everyday life. Grace has changed me so much. I am more content and one of my long-term friends commented, “you are smiling without smiling!” Only Grace and Divinity could have helped me start to become a better person like this. Thank you Maitreya Dadashreeji- at your Divine Lotus Feet always.

Kaivalya Kashyap
I had no clue why I was joining Bodh I. But it has been the best decision in my life. After seeing Dadashreeji, I had no more questions. The bond we have is beyond words, thoughts, expressions. It is pure LOVE. I do not have any question to ask. Dadashreeji has been the only encounter I ever had who has accepted me the way I am. He has shown me the path to Liberation and beyond. He is at every single moment within me. With Him, fear, stress and pressure have vanished. With Him, my life became effortless and meaningful. ‘Thank you Dadashreeji’ does not sound adequate for what He has done for me and my family but knowing that no word will be able to express this, it might be just a start.

Kriti Nanda
The Giver of Silence. I never thought I could experience complete stillness. I always felt attracted to meditation, but I would always quickly give up any attempt because as soon as I closed my eyes my mind was washed away by a storm of thoughts. It was a far disparity from anything relaxing or meditative and so I did not really want to face that feeling again and again. After attending some meditation classes and continuing to practise regularly at home, to my surprise I could sense a slight improvement, but it still seemed miles away from what I thought was an experience of stillness. During one of the sessions with Maitreya Dadashreeji, we were asked to follow a simple process, it was simply watching one’s breath. His voice guided us deeper and deeper into our being, I found myself there in reach of that “stillness”. There was this absolute silence within me which I was able to experience! I remember having been surprised myself. Even if I wanted to think of a thought, I would not have been able to do. This felt so liberating. It was beyond words, I was fully aware of what was happening or, in this case, that nothing really was happening yet everything seemed vibrantly alive. It was a feeling of serene clarity. When the simple process was over, we were told to open our eyes and what seemed to have been a couple of minutes was almost half an hour. We had all been sitting completely motionless for this entire time. Since then on, Dadashreeji for me has become the Giver of Silence and whenever I close my eyes and want to feel this very experience again, I humbly ask Him to guide me back to this space of silence within me. And to my surprise, this gift is graciously granted to me again and again.

Jacqueline Gusenbauer
After having had two children, I was pregnant again, but this soul wouldn’t come to earth and I lost this child. Thereafter the doctors said that it would be difficult to get pregnant again. That was the time when MaitriBodh Parivaar came into my life. My husband attended a workshop and said that he had heard the sentence “All is possible” from Maitreya Dadashreeji over the weekend. We both genuinely felt this in our situation. And, it really happened so that I got pregnant again. Then the doctors said that it is impossible to give birth naturally because my first two children had been born pre-mature and by caesarean section. Again the sentence from Dadashreeji “All is possible“ was felt very powerfully by me. And the wish to have a normal birth was now so strong. On the day of the birth, when contractions started, my husband and I sat in front of the Divine Light, chanting the Dadashreeji Mantra for 108 times (which is long when the baby wanted to be born). Then we drove with faith and confidence to hospital, and one hour later our third child came on earth by a normal birth. Since this day, I really realized that “All is possible” by His Grace when we genuinely trust and believe!

Sandra Schmalisch
Maitreya Dadashreeji has given me a new life. After more than 30 years of addiction (bulimia, alcohol, cigarettes), I had made many different and unsuccessful attempts to get out of it. Already with Bodh I, I realized that this experience of love is exactly what I have been looking for all my life. Then, very slowly with the progress of my spiritual journey, I realized that the desire for addictive substances simply decreased in a natural way. And finally, after such a long time, it was over. I haven’t drunk alcohol for about 2 years and now I have also stopped smoking. I was given a new life that I no longer dared to dream about. And for that, I am infinitely grateful! Thank you Maitreya Dadashreeji, Thank You Maitribodh Parivaar! With deepest Love and Gratitude.

Hind Mahil
The path of self-transformation started internally a long time ago. I wanted to become the best version of myself to evolve to become someone at her best. Along the path, I had so many doubts that a person can yet reach a total self-transformation. Therefore, I started to pray that I find the right way that can help me reach my ultimate and a guide who can be patient with me on this important path. One night I had a dream of a known Sufi Shaikh sitting in the middle of the desert while huts surrounded him and I sat in front of him; then he told me to reveal my secret. It felt so real I did not know him for I was not a person who thought transformation is a spiritual path at all. When I asked about it they told me that a master would come in my life and once he appears, I should follow him! Two years later, I was in Dubai after going through a roller coaster in my life. I was looking for a meditation routine. A friend told me about the MaitriBodh group so I went there. The session that day was about ‘self-realization’. I was surprised by the topic as it was something that I had wanted for a long time. In the hall, I saw the picture of Maitreya Dadashreeji and then the Sufi Shaikh from my dream appeared and pointed to the picture with a nod. Since then I have been on this beautiful journey and experiencing transformation within me. And yes, self-transformation can only occur through true spirituality.

Edeltrude Grundner
Maitreya Dadashreeji taught me the meaning of prayer. I always thought that praying is something for deeply religious people only. Hence, not for me. It seems ages since I left the institution of the Church as I could not find any meaning in it. That’s how I thought for decades. This approach has changed for me over the past few years. Namely, I learned in the teachings with Maitreya Dadashreeji, what praying really meant and how it is expressed effectively. The inner attitude and clear alignment make prayers so significant. Since then, I’ve been praying almost every day. For others, for humanity, and now and then for me too. In praying, I feel a strong connection to the greatness that embraces and surrounds us, which we also call the Divine. This connection with the source helps me to stay in a positive, trusting and therefore, stable state. It frees me, opens my heart and lets me experience love. Now I understand that prayer is independent of any religion. It serves Humanity and the Highest.

Doris Seelhofer
Since I had always been accompanied in my life by light beings who led me and advised me, I sought nothing else. When a friend approached me to connect with Maitreya Dadashreeji, I connected with Him internally to see what kind of energy He has. At the same moment, I experienced Dadashreeji’s Light and His immeasurable Love, which completely floored me, almost took my breath away. Tears of love and bliss flowed over my face. Then I knew Dadashreeji is the true light, true Love, true peace. After this beautiful encounter, I decided to attend Bodh. At first, I was very sceptical, until I realized that here universal knowledge is conveyed in a simple and understandable manner for everyone. And above everything, the most unique offering was the Maitri ShaktiPravaah. The deepest process through which I experienced an indescribable spiritual Transformation, an enlargement of consciousness and an increase of vibration in me. My friends and family felt my change especially after Bodh III and some wanted to experience this deep love and attended the Bodhs. Since Bodh IV with Dadashreeji, my mind has become silent. Both mind and emotion have become servants of the heart. I feel centred and always infinitely loved and free. Thank you Dadashreeji. In deepest gratitude.

Simona Napolitani
I wasted a big part of my life complaining about everything. I was not happy with my work or in my relationships. I was in suffering and pain and couldn’t come out of it. So I started very, very hard to pray, asking forgiveness for all my mistakes and I had a dream where I was in front of God and He told me, “Don’t worry. From now onwards, I will take care of you!” Since then I started receiving a lot of help in my life, through books, through my meditation teacher, from other Masters. Life started getting better but somewhere, I was still stuck. Then I came across this sentence of Maitreya Dadashreeji: “Use all the resources to uplift or improve yourself. When all your efforts end, allow me to work on you. You will witness that transformation you needed for long.“ So I decided to give it a try. I practised the meditation Maitri Sambodh Dhyan on YouTube. Later on, I met Dadashreeji and my journey of life started with Him. Nothing is the same anymore. The feeling of loneliness has vanished, finally, I do something that I really love in my life. I’m much more positive than before, my heart is little by little opening. Sometimes it is challenging but I always feel His help and support. I’m so happy that I took this path. I have no words to describe… Thank you Dadashreeji, you are my Friend, my Father, my Everything You finally gave me a life full of meaning. Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! I will be grateful forever!